Monday, March 19, 2007

X marks the spot

Saw this on my way to class today (was not taken with my pinhole camera).

Sunday, March 18, 2007


I think I was getting to much reflection off of the metal that the pinhole is in. So I blacken the metal. I seems to have improved the picture quality somewhat.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Latest pinhole images

here are a couple the latest pictures taht I took with my Nikon D50. I changed the focal length of the pinhole by adding about 1 1/2 inch tube to the body cap and putting the pinhole at the end of the ube. It doesn't seem like it has improved the picture sharpness at all (in fact it seems more blurry).

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Cover page for my zine

Here is the cover page for my zine (at least for now...I may change my mind). My zine will be about noise (in a very general sense).

Sunday, March 4, 2007

5 of my latest pinhole pictures

Here are 5 of my latest pinhole images taken with my large pinhole camera. I'm still working on getting the exposure right.

btw the plane is the seaplane that appeared in the Raiders of the Lost Ark movie. It is at the Western Aerospace Museum near the Oakland Airport. You can take a tour of the plane and sit where Indiana Jones sat.